Welcome to Discourse

This is a community forum for glazing contractors and suppliers to exchange ideas, ask questions, and get answers to all things glass, construction, estimating, and BidUnity. This is the right place to go if you have questions about BidUnity features or run into problems. BidUnity moderators will answer questions and help out. Please be respectful and engage in constructive conversations. We want a free and open platform, but we will take down any inappropriate posts. Enjoy! – The BidUnity team

Where are all the user comments? Bidunity has potential to be a great tool for estimators, but nobody is talking about it?

Hi Eric, we’ve just recently launched the community forum. It may take some time for people to become aware of the forum and to build up questions and involvement. But we hope and plan for this to be the main place to ask questions about BidUnity and truly build a community around it. We’d love to hear feedback or questions that you might have!